Plus, NDP-Liberals propose radical anti-Alberta emissions cap, the Conservative plan to Stop the Crime, federal govt responds to your petitions, and the info on Remembrance Day ceremonies in Calgary
We need to know what the Conservative party will do about immigration once they are eventually elected. According to Toronto Sun columnist Lorne Gunter (based upon data obtained by newly elected CPC MP, Don Stewart) there are 4.9 million visas that are going expire between Sept 2024 and December 2025... Many of these people are going to leave voluntarily. They will go underground. WE ARE GOING TO NEED MASS DEPORTATIONS, JUST LIIKE THE REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT WILL BE DOING IN THE USA .
We need to know what the Conservative party will do about immigration once they are eventually elected. According to Toronto Sun columnist Lorne Gunter (based upon data obtained by newly elected CPC MP, Don Stewart) there are 4.9 million visas that are going expire between Sept 2024 and December 2025... Many of these people are going to leave voluntarily. They will go underground. WE ARE GOING TO NEED MASS DEPORTATIONS, JUST LIIKE THE REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT WILL BE DOING IN THE USA .