I am most unhappy with the Conservatives support to the current trucker protest.

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Jason Kenney took the caps off insurance and electrictiy. He should be listening to Albertans. Mr. Kimec I am still awaiting your apology about protestors lack of respect for the war memorial. I sent you an email about it last Sunday. These protestors have had their say and now need to go home. Lifting of restrictions is a provincial matter. Conservatives, whether MP's or MLA's need to listen to all Canadians, not just the ones who vote for them. Dialogue is about listening too!

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Just to let you know, I am disgusted with the Conservative Party members responses to the unlawful actions taking place in our nation's capital of Ottawa. To support anarchy is not my idea of being a conservative. The party is self destructing before our eyes. It is very sad to watch. Regards C. McIntyre

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I have also been very disappointed with there response

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I watched my family lose their small Alberta construction company under Trudeau senior in the 80’s. Here we go again, another Trudeau crisis under the dictatorship rule of Justin. His use of power to criminalize and freeze finances of people already hurting is appalling. This protest is against Trudeau, a fight for freedom. It’s a call for the media to be non partisan and report the facts truthfully. I am ashamed for our service men and women who lost and risked lives defending our democratic freedom. I am ashamed for those who have served in government positions working hard to build a better Canada. We must stand up to the tyrannical leadership of the Trudeau liberals. When the government is no longer listening to and working for the people, we are no longer free. We must support and encourage hard work. We must stand up and get our country - CANADA -back on track.

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Can I freeze my tax payments to the liberal government now that Trudeau can freeze bank accounts? What is this country? What do we stand for? It’s a dark day when Canada is no longer recognizable.

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Dear Mr Kmiec,

First of all I would like to congratulate you on this opportunity and assure you that you have my full support if you want to run for leader of the Conservative party.

I share your concern about foreign involvement in Canada's affairs. Watching the truckers' protests on TV I noticed foreign symbols and flags. I would like Parliament to initiate an inquiry into who instigates and finances the protests. Remember that recently the Alberta government did a successful investigation into foreign elements supporting anti-oilsands actions.

This time it is bigger and I don't want any hostile entities causing damage to our economy or jeopardizing our health.

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...New CONCERNING Era For the Conservatives.

The current path the Conservatives are taking is highly concerning to your constituents who are moderates. The fringe parties had an irrelevant showing at the last election. Yet, conservative support of the convoy seems like an attempt to appease those vocal, disruptive, and law-breaking groups, all while alienating the votes that statistically matter.

More people are getting vaccinated per day in the battleground of Ontario (65k/day on Feb 5th) than are protesting everywhere in the country. Twelve days of Ontario vaccinations amounts to more than all PPC votes captured across Canada. One-day vaccinations amount to more than the Maverick "Wexit" (The convoy organizers) could muster. Factor in the country's daily vaccination rates and the fringe is statistically the <1% fringe. It also appears that the Americans are funding the occupation, which is concerning on a whole other level.

The hypocrisy with the CPC public condemnation of 2021/2020 blockades by visible minority groups is also appalling.

In context, the left vote was split, and the libs still won. Where do we think the meaty part of the Canadian vote bell curve lies? It’s not on the right of Erin O’Toole, that's 100% sure.

I'm writing all this because the CPC, with its current actions, will become irrelevant everywhere but Alberta and SK. These actions will cement the future of the liberals as moderates are not happy with the ousting of O'toole, the support of the convoy, and the current crop of potential leaders.

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Our heating costs went up $200.00 for January. The highest amount we hv ever paid. As a senior with a fixed income this is really difficult to endure. Mr. Trudeau has to start thinking about the pioneers of this country and offer us some assistance.

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I too, share Jodi’s inflationary concerns - my utility bill in January 2022 was by far, the highest bill I have ever received during the 34 year that I have lived in this house. My January bill is $155.00 higher than January 2021. The cause of this out-of-control inflation is the trillion $$$ “giveaway” to hundreds of thousands of people who took the money offered and put it in their savings accounts. As a senior, I never received one penny of this giveaway but my tax dollars paid for it - and all I got from Mr Trudeau is “we’ve got your back!”. As it turned out, all he had was my wallet!

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I think the conservatives especially pierre poilievre lately have supported fringe groups and extremists for a better word instead of focusing on the majority of people who actually will elect a new government. Jason Kenney has also not helped with the overall image for the conservatives party. I see no difference between Erin and Pierre.

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Our utility bill went up over $100 for last month. Looking at our usage, we didn't use that much more than the same time last year. The lack of work during the pandemic has hit hard, my husband has only been back to work part time for 4 months and I haven't had a raise in 6 years. Like many we're still trying to catch up - it's an uphill battle with inflation rising way faster than our income.

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#justinflation my Utility bill was $750 this month! Natural Gss was $400 of that and a carbon tax of $73

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Lib.s have increased the cost of medications.My letter from this gov't. stated my increase would go from 14% to 68% which is 5 times more than what i pay now..One month notice and no explanation as to why.I am on CPP disablity.The cost has doubled since Dec.21 to Jan.22 This affects seniors and disabled that are on the lowest income scale.

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The Freedom Convoy should have your undivided attention right now. We the People are fed up and the fact our voices are not being heard is germane to this level of action undertaken by so few but representing so many. Please join us in our protest downtown Calgary tomorrow or join those supporting the protest in Ottawa. This is our Arab Spring.

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