Normally I would agree with you, but it is pretty obvious that politicians from all stripes are no longer listening to the people. We are getting tired of it and until the politicians start listening, I agree with the protests. Wake up

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I agree with you whole heartedly

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Jyoti needs to understand that she has no right to make this vaxx mandatory.. Normally I would agree with no protesting at politician's homes, but in this case, I am siding with the protestors.

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Gondek is a disappointing mayor.....sure wish we had Jeremy Farkas working for Calgarians

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First of all it’s not even a vaccine so definitely NO to mandatory vaccines. The mayor and nobody for that matter have any authorization to make these mandatory as per The Nuremberg Code. It’s just that simple.

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No Mandatory vaccination...DEFINITELY. SInce when did we become a communist country.

About protest at Gondek’s residence.....she has not been in office for 3 full months and has shown her true colours.....she REFUSED to address the issue of her pay increase...knowing that if she did nothing, the date for this increase would come and the raise would be in effect....her “ claim” that this was brought on suddenly is just a cop-out and she thinks she can pull the wool over Calgarians’ eyes...I think not. How does she justify a pay increase....she makes over 200,000.00 a year while many Calgarians have lost their job, lost their homes, cannot afford to feed their family and she gets a pay raise......I did send her office an email asking her reason for doing this.....you won’t believe the response.....basically I was told to “note..there have been no pay increases for 2 years.....well tell that to the people who have NO JOBS.....and now with this vaccine mandate that she is in favor of......more people will be FORCED out of a job.... so I am in total agreement of protesting at her or any other crooked politician’s house. Gondek made a statement...”Why do we need to be around these people”.....referring to the non-vaccinated...and for this she has been called a Nazi Criminal.....wasn’t this Hitler’s belief....he had no need to be around Jewish people. And finally....rather than address the pay increase, she chose to address and agree to sending 100,000.00 to Quebec in reference to some head dress Bill......will someone tell me what the City of Calgary has to do with the province of Quebec. A lot of homeless and jobless could use monetary assistance!

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The Calgary Council are famous for NOT LISTENING to us so I support these people who chose to make a statement that no one could miss. She needs lots of lessons in humility and I do not feel even slightly sofrry for her.

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We still have rights whether Trudeau or Gondek like it or not. Tell me how they produced a billion vaccines for a virus that came out of nowhere........Canadians are not that stupid. No mandates.

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Since O’Tool hasn’t been protecting our Constitutional Rights against this Dictatorship, I’ve switched to a party (PPC) that cares for our freedoms. Since the protest was peaceful, I believe YOU should supported it, otherwise your a coward and O’Tool brown noisier. You said nothing and did nothing to protect our freedoms.

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Absolutely NO to mandatory medical treatment of ANY KIND - EVER!! And I do not think that protests are nice in front of people's homes. I also do not think that politicians calling citizens of a city BONKERS, and should not be allowed to fully participate in society is good at all. In fact it is dangerous to make comments like that - and shows a TOTALITARIAN mind set. I hope the people of Calgary and Canada can clearly see the ruling class for who they are - and bloody well vote them out!!!!

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I am not for or against anybody or any action. What I am saying is that before making any decision or taking any action, exercise your own due diligence as a citizen.

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Protesting at anyone's home should be illegal. No matter how strongly one may feel about a politician, it is wrong to intimidate and/or disturb their families and neighbours. Homes need to be a sanctuary. Protest in public places please.

Vaccines should not be mandatory, but restrictions on the unvaccinated are reasonable to protect society at large.

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Thanks for coming out of the house with that statement Mayor Gondek.

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It's either mandate vaccines or tighten up restrictions as to where the unvaccinated can go. I'm tired of seeing the hospitals full of largely unvaccinated individuals and the governments with the exception of Quebec doing nothing to protect the rest of us. Based on reports, the unvaccinated are often the same individuals walking around unmasked.....apparently with immunity from anyone doing anything to them. Hope about keeping the unvaccinated out of the malls, grocery stores, etc........you can just about get anything on line these days. What about our rights and I don't want to be responsible for the high medical costs for keeping people who refuse to take advantage of proven science and vaccines that will largely keep them out of the hospitals. They say it is there choice which is fine, but don't make me pay for it and do something to protect me and my family rather than sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing.

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Look at the numbers it’s the vaccinated in the hospitals now. Unvaxed is only around 19% in hospitals in Alberta

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The people that will put the unjabbed on the buses to the re-education camps are starting to make themselves known .

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Individual rights need to be protected, but being a responsible citizen is also very important! Hospitals and their staff are at the breaking point and many people are having necessary medical treatments postponed. Shouldn’t a responsible citizen deeply consider the cost to other individuals and their rights, just so your choice is honoured? Wear a mask and take the risk that your vaccination will not only help you, but also others!

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Then how come the vaccinated are the majority in the hospital right now while unvaccinated is around 19% in Alberta

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Shouldn't a responsible political leader refrained from firing health care workers in the middle of a scamdemic for not getting an experimental injection ?

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