Jan 28, 2022·edited Jan 28, 2022

The vaccine is obsolete already, anyway, it didn't work very well at all. So why make us ruin our immune system, because enough of this stuff will, follow the science. Our freedom shouldn't end where your fear begins. Trudeau is in lock down now because he is a simple minded coward!

Plus people have the constitutional right to protest in public area's as long as we don't interfere with peoples movement and freedom, even in front of a politicians house. What's the point in protesting in a vacuum somewhere where no one cares? Our rights are fine except when we annoy the politicians, then they make laws and get the police on us to try shut the protest down and put us in jail and take away our freedom, like they do in China and Russia.

No one should be forced by the Government (that doesn't have a clue about science anyway) to take a drug that harms young men and doesn't seem to work, or lose your JOB! That's insane! plus the harm they are doing to the Kids!

That's how they erode our Freedom's. I say BS and we need to stand up as individuals and say NO! I'm not going along with this crap anymore and I'm taking my freedom back!

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Thanks Tom. These guys are really putting it on the line to be peaceful in their protest while the Ottawa police are literally confiscating their food. The truckers should STAY peaceful, and there should be consequences for the unlawful behavior of the police and other powers in Ottawa.

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The potato issue was brought up, not by the government, but by the industry. The industry wants to be able to cut the potatoes into larger pieces than is currently allowed. Why there is a maximum size regulation in the first place is another issue. Perhaps, at some point, packages were measured by volume and not weight. A package filled with larger sized cubes would have less weight than the same package with smaller sized cubes. CFIA, having been asked by the industry to consider enlarging the maximum size, needs to respond, hence the public consultation. Will the average Canadian care if the potatoes are diced into 3/4 inch cubes instead of 3/8 inch cubes? Likely not, but enough people in the potato canning business think it is important enough to ask the CFIA to change the rule.

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Tom..... I am disappointed that the Conservatives (O'Toole and Pierre) are supporting this rag tag group of Anti-vaxxers and so called "Freedom" fighters. White supremists ???? There are only a small fraction of that whole convoy that are the truckers (non-vaccinated) that are involved. One of the people interviewed suggested it may take "bullets to settle this" Back off Conservatives.... I agree Trudeau made a huge error in eliminating non-vacc truckers, but the largest % of this group want to bring down the government. That is not the way to do it, and the Conservatives will gain that reputation as well..... belonging by associating. .. Ron Nelson, Calgary

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The convoy is promoting anti vaccine and anti mandate. I wonder how the hospital workers feel about that? I wonder what their solution is to the deaths of thousands….. much worse than any flu has caused in recent decades. I’m particularly anxious to hear their solution to reduce the number of hospitalizations that are causing children and adults to suffer as a result of the ICUs being overloaded…..the majority not vaccinated. But, it’s all about their selfish rights without consideration for anyone else. When you or they have the answers to stop the spread of this deadly virus and to get our hospitals back to normal, let me know. In the meantime the Conservative Party and it’s leader are doing no better than Trudeau and the Liberals. Otoole must go but you already know that based on recent surveys and polls.

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The data coming in right now is rock solid. Infections, hospitalizations & deaths are higher in the vaxxed than the unvaxxed, and that gap is widening. And if our criminal politicians and bureaucrats hadn't blockaded the dozens of proven therapeutics that reduce deaths & severe illness by 85% or more, than the whole pandemic thing would have been just another flu season. They are guilty of genocide.

Much more than that, all that really counts is All Cause Mortality. And even Pfizer's own study showed that for every Covid death prevented by their vaccine, 4 additional people died of heart attacks. That's in the first 6 months, after that the gap will widen further.

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I would like to know where your data is coming from. I haven't seen any data that resembles what you describe. The statistics that I have seen show deaths much higher in unvaccinated people.

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Look at:


In Britain, getting close to double the RATE of hospitalizations & deaths in vaccinated vs unvaxxed & the gap continues to increase. Absolute numbers of hospitalizations & deaths are of course much higher since 71% of UK residents are fully vaxxed.

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The statistics provided by the CDC show a very different picture in the US where hospitalization and death rates are much lower for people who have been fully vaccinated. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e2.htm

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I'm calling BS on CDC numbers. They are far off much more granular and transparent data coming in from Canada, Europe & Israel. Walensky already admitted the CDC was inflating Covid hospitalization numbers by 75%. There are many easy ways the CDC can massage the statistics to fit their narrative:



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